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Setting Summer Intentions: 4 Journal Prompts to Prepare for Your Best Summer Yet

Written by Kristyn Schott | Jun 3, 2024 3:07:49 PM

Summer is upon us, but what that looks like can be very different based on your life and responsibilities. Kids vs no kids, off for summer vs working, able to travel or not. While this season is likely busy, make sure you carve out some time for yourself, especially at the beginning of the summer, to reset and start the coming months off right. 

To help you do so, we’ve provided some journal prompts below. Never journaled before? No problem! That’s why we’ve provided these 4 questions so that it’s easy for you to start. Our goal is to help you best prepare for the summer season. Whether you write one a day or a week, or journal all of them at once, what matters is you use these prompts to get all the worry, stress, dreams, and ideas out of your head and onto paper. This will help you enjoy summer a lot more, regardless of what it looks like for you.

Question 1: What do I need to let go of from spring?

Sometimes people have no problem moving into a new season, but some struggle with grieving the old or holding onto things past. So, what do you need to let go of?

Maybe it's a fight you had with a partner that you need to let go of or the changing of friendships you have to accept and move on from. Maybe it’s unrealistic expectations you’re holding desperately onto or your never-ending to-do list you need to give yourself a break from. Or, if you were pretty unkind to yourself in the months before, maybe it’s time you give self-compassion a try.

Whatever it is, write down what you need to let go of from spring and consider this your way of leaving it in the past and moving forward to a brighter tomorrow!

Question 2: What do I want to get out of summer?

If you don’t know what you want or need from something, how can you expect to get it? What you want from summer may depend on what your spring was like or what you need to let go of, so keep that in mind. 

Do you need peace and rest after a busy last few months? Are you looking forward to a summer full of memories and traveling? Maybe you want to feel accomplished at the end of the season because you started or finished a project you’ve been putting off.

Really take a moment to sit with your thoughts, feelings, and needs before entering into these next few months. Your future self will thank you for it!

Question 3: What’s my dream summer day?

Imagination and dreaming are important to keep in your life, not just as kids, but even now as adults. So, go all out on this prompt! 

First, picture the absolute best day. What are you doing or not doing? How does the day feel? How do you feel? Think through the foods you’ll eat, the places you'll go, the things you’ll see. Use all 5 of your senses here.

It’s important to say that it doesn’t matter how realistic or unrealistic your dreaming is. This is all for you right now. 

Then, once you’ve written out your dreamy summer day, make it happen to the best of your ability with what you have available to you. Now, it doesn’t have to be right away, but make it happen at least one day this summer. Take the day off or do it on a weekend, use your imagination if you can’t travel to the place, and treat yourself to the foods and experiences you listed. 

Giving yourself permission to enjoy your dream summer day will re-energize and reinvigorate you for your daily activities in life.

Question 4: How do I feel the most filled up?

Knowing what fills your cup is important all year round. However, the summer can oftentimes mean there is more going on and we have overall busier lives. Hence, why this is one of the journal prompts we’re providing. 

There are going to be days this summer when you feel down, stressed, or crazy. After a fun vacation, you might feel a bit down that the excitement and anticipation is over. Maybe you’ve been getting less sleep so you’re tired. Maybe you love your kids but they’re driving you crazy and you want some alone time.

Whatever it is, knowing ahead of time how you fill up your cup can help you face and move through these difficult feelings and times of summer. 


Journaling is a great way for us to process the past and dream for the future. We hope these 4 journal prompts help you take control of your summer and make it a good one!