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What Does Your Favorite Taylor Swift Album Say About You?

Written by Kristyn Schott | Feb 27, 2024 3:49:37 PM

While we normally write about topics like mental health, loneliness, grief, and relationships, we also know life is about having fun and finding joy in the little things. Like, say, finding out what your favorite Taylor Swift album says about you!

In the past month, Taylor Swift has graced our news feeds a lot—the Grammys and making history there, her new album announcement, the Super Bowl for Travis, kicking off the international leg of the Eras tour. So, why not add something else?

Whether you’re a hardcore Swiftie, recently discovering her music, or anywhere in between, we hope you enjoy seeing what your favorite TSwift album might say about you. *And, as a quick disclaimer, we are not Swiftie professionals and this is only for fun. Everyone, including you, is so unique and different so take all of this with a grain of salt.*

So…are you ready for it?

Taylor Swift (Debut)

If Taylor’s debut album is your favorite, then first of all, you’re probably an OG fan. You also tend to like storytelling (think Our Song or Teardrops on My Guitar) and consider yourself to be a nostalgic person. People are kept on their toes about you though because you’re quiet yet spunky, bubbly yet not afraid to be hot-headed (hello Picture to Burn and Should’ve Said No). But above all, you are genuine and kind to everyone.

Our reminder to the Debut Era: Embrace all the beautiful sides of you, even if they may seem a bit contradictory. While it’s good to hold on to past memories and look back on them, don’t forget to embrace the present moment and the excitement of the future too.


It may be too nail-on-the-head to say you’re fearless, but there are a lot of great qualities that sum you up if you find Taylor’s second album the best. Like Love Story or You Belong With Me, you love romance and have a thing for early 2000s rom coms—How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Sweet Home Alabama, The Notebook, we’re looking at you). You’re fiercely loyal in every relationship and you’re good at remembering the small details that make friends, family, and partners feel super special. Last, but not least, you have an innocence about you that keeps you young at heart in the best way. You’re never too old to be young or find happiness even in the storms of life (hey, maybe even dancing in a storm in your best dress!).

Our reminder to the Fearless Era: Even though people will hurt you, don’t stop being your loyal, caring self. Keep romanticizing love and your life—that’s a trait that will continue to be so powerful. With that said, try to balance being realistic with your optimism.

Speak Now

There’s a good bit of a romantic in you (similar to Debut and Fearless), but you have a bit of an edgy side to you as well. One thing is for sure, you are a passionate person which is a great thing but potentially a bad thing if you’re crossed. After all, there’s nothing Better Than Revenge. You really are the best of both worlds (oops, wrong singer)—sassy but with a soft side; good at standing up for yourself while also being a bit passive aggressive; able to hold onto both the innocence of youth while accepting the hardships that come with growing up.

Our reminder to the Speak Now Era: Keep finding ways to hold on to both your youth and your growing up—they make you who you are. Hold on to your burning passion for whatever it is you’re chasing after. Just don’t forget that while standing up for yourself is important, communication is key and passive-aggressive actions or words aren’t always the best answer.


If Red is your vibe, then you are quite colorful. Above all else, you are passionate and brave. You have strong feelings, BUT you’re able to get in touch with your emotions and feel them deeply. Especially when it comes to love, although sometimes you may struggle getting too caught up in a relationship. While you may seem quiet, you aren’t afraid to speak up when needed, and you’re definitely not afraid to be by yourself or enjoy your own company. You likely love Fall, walks in nature, and cozy sweaters.

Our reminder to the Red Era: Remember that being quiet doesn't mean you’ll allow someone to walk all over and enjoying your own company doesn’t mean you don’t deserve connection with others. Your feelings are not a weakness, they're a strength and a powerful asset. Don’t be afraid to trust your gut and communicate what you want/need.


1989 is an album that marked a pretty sharp turn in Taylor’s music, and the same could be said for you if it’s your favorite. Having her 5th album as your favorite means you are likely bright, bubbly, and extroverted. You’re often adventurous and maybe a bit wild—but in a good way—and you love to embrace new styles, experiences, people, and places. Big cities, shopping and fashion, and music are some of your favorite things. Living in the moment and soaking up all the memories is important to you.

While you can be feisty (Bad Blood, anyone?), you really do appreciate love and the relationships in your life. 1989 is much about diving into love headfirst and falling fast into new love, even if there’s anxiety trying to get Out of the Woods. You are likely a big fan of love, soaking up every moment of a relationship, and having fun—even if you know it won’t work out. Guess we could call you a New Romantic.

Our reminder to the 1989 Era: Your attitude towards life and your joy is contagious…embrace it! While your desire to experience and your ability to embrace new things is beautiful, don’t forget to make the most of what you have and have already done. Keep shining bright—your personality is like a light in the darkness of the world. When it comes to love, don’t be afraid to dive into new love and put heartbreak behind you. There’s so much up ahead for you on this road!


Reputation is a powerful, statement-making album, and if it’s your favorite, the same could be said about you! You’re bold and not afraid to speak up and out. People may see you as being a bit rebellious, but it’s not in a bad way. You’re simply a big fan of individuality and easily embrace what makes you (and others) unique. While you’ve likely been burned in the past and/or had trust broken, you’ve now taken all the pain and emerged stronger, empowered, and more confident…much like Taylor herself. Though don’t let this fool you, Rep people also have a soft side—you’re not just all hard shell and bite. Last, but not least, you are fiercely loyal to and appreciative of those who have stuck by your side.

Our reminder to the Reputation Era: Continue to let the pain grow your self-confidence and empower you rather than shut you down. Use your individuality to help others embrace theirs. But while you’re at it, don’t be all bark and bite. Don’t be afraid to let people in and show your soft side more often.


If Lover is your favorite album, well you’re probably a lover and a hopeless romantic. To put it simply: you love love. But in all its forms—not just romantic, but friends, family, and strangers too. You’re open-minded, friendly, and creative. Your bright and bubbly personality helps those around you feel welcomed and accepted. While you don’t take life too seriously, you’re also not afraid to take a stand and be confident. A few of your favorite things likely include Summer, bright colors, dancing, and social gatherings. 

Our reminder to the Lover Era: Keep celebrating yourself and others, being loud and proud of who you are. Don’t ever let anyone or life dull your sparkle and shine. Your ability to welcome others and cheer them on is beautiful, but don’t forget to take care of yourself in the process too. You’re just as important!

Folklore / Evermore

Okay, don’t hate us because we are combining these two. We fully recognize that they are separate albums with beautiful things that make them each unique. But, they are similar in style, and therefore, similar in personalities to those who call these two sister albums their favorites.

You’re a deep thinker with the ability to easily be contemplative, reflective, and introspective. You love stories and being creative, meaning you likely love to read, write, watch movies, and listen to music. A deep but creative mind keeps your head in the clouds, daydreaming, while also holding on to much wisdom. You tend to be a more quiet and introverted type who loves deep conversations, Winter, cozy cardigans, and a cup of joe (pun semi-intended).

Our reminder to the Folklore/Evermore Eras: While dreams and stories are beautiful, life is also happening right here around you. Don’t forget to live in the present while you’re also getting lost in daydreaming. Celebrate your creative mind and the wisdom you’ve gained, and use what’s in your head to embrace and enhance the world around you. Connect with those who also love words, stories, and deep thoughts.


Midnights can be considered an edgy album, and if it’s your fave, the same could be said for you. The truth is, you don’t get along with everybody and that’s more than alright with you. You’ve learned to be unapologetically you. At the same time, Midnights also has a strong, redemptive, and lighthearted tone with songs like Karma, Anti-Hero, and Vigilante S***. If you resonate with this album a lot, you likely have a strength, growth, and maturity about you, your life, and the things that frustrate you.

You’re also more self aware than most, which is a good thing because it keeps you grounded and honest. But it also means you tend to overthink things and get stuck in your own head a lot. You may struggle with bottling up your feelings and flaws. More than likely, you’re in therapy or are a big proponent of it. (Although who are we kidding…if you like Taylor Swift’s music, we’re likely all in therapy).

Our reminder to the Midnights Era: You’ve found a way to be honest and aware while also staying grounded and true to yourself. Keep that up, it's powerful stuff! Never forget the growth and redemption you’ve experienced. Do something fun every now and then to get out of your head and into your body. And remember, don’t bottle it all up; it’s okay to let it out like the Midnight Rain.

The Tortured Poets Department

Of course, no one has any idea what Taylor’s new album will be like, so we can’t decide if it’ll be our favorite or what that might say about us. Personally, I’m super excited to see the vibe. I’m thinking maybe a cross between Rep and Folklore—if anyone can figure out that mash up, it’s the queen herself.